Legal Policy
In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of the law for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we inform you that:
This website is published by the following legal entity:
Pro-G2i - SARL of Capital 5000 Euros
R.C.S Rennes 849 078 506 00011
Code APE 7112B
N°TVA : FR 10 849 078 506
Head office : 35750 IFFENDIC

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Publication Director : Laurent BÜTTNER

Realization and conception: Pro-G2i  

Contents and referencing : Pro-G2i

Website hosting
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Intellectual Property

This site is the property of the company: Pro-G2i

The website and all its content (logos, texts, photographs, databases, etc.) constitute under the Intellectual Property Code a fully protected work of the mind.

This site is the full and exclusive property of Pro-G2i. Any reproduction, representation, total or partial of this site or its contents by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of the author, is strictly prohibited, and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the code of the intellectual property.

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Data Protection Act 

The user is informed, in accordance with article 27 of the Data-processing law, files and liberties of January 6, 1978, that the optional information which he communicates by answering if he wishes to the forms present on the site makes it possible to answer to its request, and are intended for Pro-G2i responsible for processing, for purposes of administrative and commercial management and, unless opposed by him, other group companies or companies partners Pro-G2i.

The user is informed that he has the right to access and rectify all the personal data concerning him by writing to Pro-G2i:

Domain name is a registered domain name. Please respect copyright and copyright laws as any use of this name for commercial use will result in prosecution. This site and its contents: logo, graphic charter, text, photos are protected by the law of March 11, 1957. Any representation or reproduction, integral or partial, made without the consent of Pro-G2i, is illicit (first paragraph of the Article 40). This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, would therefore constitute an infringement punishable by articles 425 and following of the former Penal Code. It is strictly forbidden to use a photo extracted from this site on another website or any other support. All photographs of the site are protected by copyright. Without the author's advice and permission, no broadcast permission is permitted.

Hypertext links & amp; Responsibility 

Pro-G2i will in no way be held responsible for the various information offered by the sites through which hypertext links have been made. Pro-G2i disclaims all liability for the various sites whose information does not comply with applicable rules and legal provisions. 
Crédits Pro-G2i 
Website created by Pro-G2i Version 2020/01